February 12
All day
2nd Annual Harmony of Hearts Art Exhibition invites K-12 students from Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding areas to showcase their creativity and artistic talents! This year’s theme is
“The Charm of Our City: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” offering young artists a chance to express their vision of our city’s past, present, and future.
Outstanding artworks will receive awards, and the exhibition proudly supports autism awareness and fundraising efforts.
Submission deadline extend to: Feb 12, 2025.
Drop off locations(before 1/31/2025 or you can mail to Polaris):
Cecellia Art Studio (11940 Foothill Blvd Ste 206, R.C. CA91739)
Mathnasium- The Math Learning Center(11460 Kenyon Way Ste 105, R.C. CA91701)
Providence Education Group(10399 Lemon Ave, Suite 103, R.C. CA91737)
Rhapsody Education(7201 Archibald #14, R.C., CA91701)
Mail to: Polaris Education Foundation(5125 Branding Iron Pl. R.C., CA91739)
Teachers collecting student artworks can email
[email protected] to request pickup
For submission details and event information, visit
www.polaris123.org. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this exciting event!